Belief Band

(Scroll down to order more bands)
Instructions for your new Belief Band

Change your beliefs, change your life

IAF = I Am Fearless

IAC = I Am Confident

IAD = I Am Decisive

IFFFF = I Fail Forward Faster Fearlessly

ITMG = I Trust My Gut

Why a Belief Band?   My Story...

It was shortly after the Internet crash in the early 2000's.  I was depressed, stressed, and questioning my career and having thoughts about what I wanted to do with my life, and what was holding me back.

I read a book about affirmations as a way to reprogram my thinking.

So I wrote out a few affirmations such as:  I am fearless, I am confident, I am decisive, I fail forward faster fearlessly, I trust my gut, etc...

However, after a couple of days, I stopped saying them, mostly because they fell out of thought and I forgot to say them.

Next I tried writing them out on a sticky note and put it up on my mirror so I would see it every day... but after a week or so, I didn't even notice the sticky note anymore and I just ignored the note and stopped saying them.

I needed to find a better way... after trying many methods, I eventually created what I call the "double activating" event

Double Activating Event - INSTRUCTIONS HERE

To avoid ignoring or forgetting to do affirmations, I created a double activating event.


Let's say you wrote out your affirmations on a sticky note (I recommend only having 3-5 affirmations at a time until they are habit)

There are two steps required:

Event 1:  Occurs when you do a specific action, such as, brushing your teeth, going to bed, waking up, getting in or out of your car, etc...

Event 2:  When Event 1 occurs, you MOVE the sticky note from where it was, to a new location... so on a mirror, you move it from one corner to another.  In your car, you move it from left side of mirror to the right. 

After Event 2, RECITE the affirmations OUT LOUD, NOT IN YOUR HEAD  (why? to engage auditory learning too)

The Birth of the Belief Band

I tried sticky notes.

I didn't like them.

So I started writing the affirmations on my hand so I'd see them all day and it would remind me throughout the day to say them.

I wrote the initials only so it would be faster, less writing on my hand, and so others didn't know what they stood for.

After I showered (activating event 1) I'd rewrite them on my hand (activating event 2) and then I would recite them.

At night, before bed, after I washed my face/hands, I'd rewrite them, and say them again.

Silicone Wristband

The writing and rewriting was great, but coworkers and customers started asking me about it and I didn't want to share. I then had a silicone wristband custom made with my affirmations.

My activating events were waking up and going to bed:


  • Event 1: Sit up in bed
  • Event 2: Put the band on my hand
  • Recite the affirmations out loud

At night

  • Event 1: Get in bed
  • Event 2: Take the band off
  • Recite the affirmations out loud

For two years, every day and night I'd recite my affirmations.  In two years, not one person asked me about my black band on my wrist.  And, the biggest benefit, it changed my thoughts, behaviors, and life!

I now share this with you!

Order More Belief Bands Here:

Fail Forward Faster Fearlessly

You Get What You Look For

IAF = I Am Fearless

IAC = I Am Confident

IAD = I Am Decisive

IFFFF = I Fail Forward Faster Fearlessly

ITMG = I Trust My Gut

ILFTG = I Look For The Good

WGAI = What's Good About It

HCIW = How Can It Work

BTITS = Be Them In Their Shoes

TAAW = There's Always A Way

$10.00 each

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Choose which Belief Band you prefer ($10 each): "Fail Forward Faster Fearlessly" OR "You Get What You Look For"

(Scroll UP for instructions on how to use your new Belief Band)