Great Leaders Share this Common Trait

So, what is the common skillset of great leaders?

Hey folks, Dave Suson here with 180 and 180 heading into Detroit.  As I’m driving I’m thinking about what are the skills that great leaders have.  Now obviously there’s a bunch that make people great but there is one common thread, one common element, that if you look at all great leaders, all great managers; anyone.  What you’re going to find most common in all of them is their ability to be decisive.

Just think back, look at anyone you’ve worked for, anyone that you’ve known, look at great leaders, look at great world leaders, great corporate leaders, your buddies, your people, the people you follow, the people that lead you to go do stuff.  Whatever it is, good or bad.  What you’re going to find is the common element is, they’re decisive.

What do I mean by that?  Well, they make decisions.  They are sure about what they’re recommending.  And so what happens is, when they get together socially, these are the ones that go “hey let’s go do this”.

Now, what is the key to decisiveness?  There’s one key element to being decisive and that is, being fearless.

What you find is when people are fearless, when they are not afraid to make a mistake, not afraid to be wrong, they’re willing to go out on the limb and be decisive.  They’re willing to make a decision. So what it is, it’s a combination of the two things.  It’s being decisive and it’s being fearless.

So what I challenge you to do is look at great people, look at the people you follow, look the managers, look at your social environment, look at your friends and look in the mirror.  Look at yourself.  What you’re going to see is, are you decisive?  Now one of the keys to decisiveness is being authentic.  What you are often going to find is some people try to be decisive but the reality is you can tell.  You know I call it, just like in playing poker, they have a “tell”.  Meaning, they have something that tells you “yeah they’re not exactly decisive.  They’re not right.  They’re not fearless”.  They’re saying it, they’re recommending it, but it’s not genuine.  It’s not authentic.  Whereas, you look at the people that you’re willing to follow into battle,  I mean sometimes you will follow them again and again, even though you know they’re going to make a mistake.  You will do it again and again.  When they believe it, they’re confident and they’re like, “yep let’s go do it. Here’s what we’re going to do, here’s the decision, here’s the progress, this is which way we’re going”

So I challenge you, take a look, take note, look in the mirror.  See if you truly are authentically decisive. Are you fearless?  And if you are, or you’re not, my guess is if you are you’re moving toward or you are a great leader.  And if you’re not, work on it and you’ll be shocked.

Thanks folks.

Dave Suson 180 and 180

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