Author, Speaker, Trainer, Performance Coach
Improving Leadership, Sales and Personal Performance

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Confidence is not what you think it is
Want more confidence? Confidence is not what you think it is. Most people I’ve interviewed say confidence is about “having[...]
How to recruiter-proof your business
Many companies blame headhunters for recruiting away their best employees. Thus they go to great lengths to keep names of[...]
Great Leaders Share this Common Trait
So, what is the common skillset of great leaders? Hey folks, Dave Suson here with 180 and 180 heading into[...]
My Book interview by Orrin Rudolph
David is interviewed by Orrin Rudolph about Dave's new book: BALLS The 3 Secrets of Sales Success Listen to all[...]
Interview by Tim Gillette
David is interviewed by Tim Gillette.  Tim Gillette is an award-winning blogger, best-selling author, and highly sought-after speaker.  The ideas[...]
Developing Dedicated and Committed Employees
Developing Dedicated and Committed Employees Do you want committed, dedicated employees? I was watching a morning news program and they[...]
BALLS The 3 Secrets of Sales Success
My new book!  After interviewing thousands of top performers, I've broken down sales success to the top three traits all[...]
How to suck the life out of your employees
Want to “suck the life out of your employees”? Then take as much as you can from them. Demand as[...]
How sales burnout is like insulin
I just had the realization this week that burnout in sales is like Insulin! What?! Yeah, you heard me, Insulin...[...]

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"Dave is a "coaches' coach"

"His PREDICT selling process has helped my reps sell more, faster"

"He gets to the root cause of 'why' and 'how'... no one I've every worked with before did this"